The Power of 3

  • Taught by a Welsh Druid

    Deborah Rose Hālani is an Indigenous Welsh Druid. Growing up in the Culture, she shares Insider-only knowledge that complements your formal learning...

  • ItΚ»s the Only Course

    ...of itΚ»s kind. The only place to find comprehensive knowledge and wisdom from the Traditional Sources in one Course. Forget hours Googling, trying to piece it together...

  • About the Welsh Druids

    The Welsh Druids were considered the most powerful of the Druid Lineages. Your Course Guide is a descendent of these Original Welsh Lineage of Healers...

Deborah Rose Hālani - Druid and Teacher

...a Welshwoman with a strong Celtic Welsh family history, I divide my time between living in Australia and Wales. My quest is to preserve the history of Welsh Culture and its spirituality specifically of the Welsh Druids. As a Student, you become an active participant in preserving these Teachings and Practices. In this Course youΚ»re going to learn about the beliefs and practices of the Welsh Druids, the Magical Storytelling and Sacred Landscapes that are embedded in Druid Healing & Practice...


Trying the Free Get Started Module is the first step on the Path to self-healing, development, growth, utilising Druid practices and, if you want to, training as a Druid. When you hit the Get Started Button, we'll ask you to create an account. Don't sweat it, it's in-built security feature across all of our Courses, keeping you, our course and all of us safe from unwanted digital intruders.


We want to make it easy for you to study Druidry. Use this Course Code: druiddiscovery-10 to get your Special Study Offer. Hit Get Started Now and weΚ»ll do the rest...

Course curriculum

    1. πŸ“’ WORKBOOK: Welcome

    2. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS00 The Red Dragon of Wales

    3. πŸ“‘ SCRIPT: Story of the Red Dragon of Wales

    4. πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“QUIZ: Learning about Wales

    5. Post Zoom Live Supporting Material

    1. πŸ“’ WORKBOOK: Learn about Wales

    2. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS01 Welsh Words Glossary & Pronunciation

    3. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS01 Get Started: Keywords - Part 1

    4. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGOS02 Get Started: Keywords Part 2

    5. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS03 Get Started: Keywords - Part 3

    6. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS02 - The Palaeolithic Period

    7. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS03 - Mesolithic _ Neolithic Period

    8. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS04 - Welsh Sacred Places

    9. πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ LEARNING BRIDGE QUIZ: Ancient Wales

    10. πŸ“‘ SUPPORT MATERIAL: Olde World Language Tree

    1. πŸ“’ WORKBOOK: The Welsh Druids

    2. πŸ“‘ STEPS for AUDGS04 - What are my spiritual beliefs

    3. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS04 What are my spiritual beliefs

    4. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS05 - Druid Qualities and Skills

    5. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS05-A - Putting into Practice

    6. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS05 Druids Prayer for Peace

    7. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS06 - Triquetra

    8. πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ LEARNING BRIDGE QUIZ: The Welsh Druids

    1. πŸ“’ WORKBOOK: Foundation Teachings and Beliefs

    2. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS07 - Creating Your Inner Grove

    3. πŸ”Š AUDIO: AUDGS06 - Meditation for Creating Your Inner Grove

    4. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS08 - Gods and Goddess Pronunciation

    5. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS09 - Wheel of The Year

    6. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS09A Large Wheel of the Year

    7. πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ“ LEARNING BRIDGE: Let's Test Memory for Foundation Teachings & Beliefs

    1. πŸ“’ Review

    2. πŸ“Œ HANDOUT: HOGS10 - The Battle of the Trees

About this course

  • $180.00
  • 46 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content


Now is the time to Get Started training as a Practicing Druid. This really is one of a kind training. More than just workbooks and handouts, the training activities are designed for sustainable learning. We lead the way in innovative learning whilst keeping our eyes firmly on where you need to get to...