Welina! Welcome!

Welcome to HĀLAU PŌ ME NANI - our School of Hawaiian Spiritual Studies. You are warmly welcomed. Right here is where you start learning about the Spiritual Teachings and Practices of the Ancestors...

What's on Offer:

Everyone who wants to learn about and study Hawaiian Spirituality starts here. These are the Foundation Teachings taught to each generation of our Lineage. They underpin daily life, our spiritual practices and healing modalities like Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage and Traditional Hoʻoponopono. They are so fundamental to living and healing that theyʻre called the ABCʻs or "the Pillars". Our own Teacher, Kumu Lawrence, always says everyone wants to get to "Z" but no-one wants to do the ABCʻs - meaning everyone focuses on the outcome without paying close attention whatʻs happening to get you there. In the rush, they donʻt realise that the ABCʻs are the endgame...

Join me inside the Path to Paʻa, clockʻs ticking for 10 spots only

Start learning today and in a just a few weeks our precious time together will have big pay-offs for you, your Clients, your family, your business, and most of all - your life...

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Course Fees

We really want you to be part of our Community. Whether you're a first timer, or a VIP Coupon Holder, we've got a plan for you! And if these aren't hittin' your vibe, hit us up instead and we'll see what we can come up with for you. Pick a payment, close your eyes...and click!

Building an Unshakeable Foundation

Starts with Mana - Spirit Power of our Ancestors

  • Find Your Spiritual Essence

  • Express It Authentically

  • Stay Spiritually Connected 24/7

  • Fabulous Learning Resources

  • Wise Guides Ready to Help

  • Fun and Inspiring Experiences

Start Your Course

What's included in your learning package:

  • Comprehensive, easy to read Learning Guides filled with our Traditional Teachings, complete with development activities and the self-coaching tools to live them

  • Video Lesson & Audio Sets, with FAQs, introducing each topic, directing your training and developing your recall and retention

  • Unique experiential and gamified exercises and activities to quickly develop your understanding and build your mana

  • Plus, there's every day access to Kumu or the Wise Guides, real people with loads of experience, to help you when you need it.

  • And, a whole bunch of good feels when you become an active Contributor to our Community Projects

  • Free Bonus: Spiritual Intelligence - 1 Course for all completing Students. An excellent foundation skill building course for deepening Spiritual Practice and Intuition.

  • Training is recognised by our Lineage AND in 39 Countries world-wide as Practitioner Professional Development

See It in Three

Take the 3 Minute Course Tour

What Youʻll Learn

Hereʻs some of the Foundation Topics:

  • The Hawaiian World View

  • The Migration to Hawaii: lessons for today

  • Introduction to the Foundations of Hawaiian Spirituality Teachings

  • Introduction to Hawaiian Healing Methods

  • Introduction to Hawaiian Oli - Chanting

  • Introduction to Hawaiian Hula - Dance

  • Living Paʻa - how to put your learning into your daily life

Course curriculum

  1. 🌴 The Path to Paʻa - Get Started


  3. 🌴 Module 1: The Hawaiian World View

  4. 🌴 Module 2: Nānā i ke Kumu. Introduction to the Foundation Teachings - The ABCʻs

  5. 🌴 Module 3: Introduction to Hawaiian Healing

  6. 🌴 Module 4: Introduction to Oli & Hula

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 71 lessons

Start Now. Don't think, DO

You've checked it out, made it to the bottom of the page. You can start your Training right now...

You've got the feels - don't overthink it. You will join others who say "this is the best course I've done for myself". Ma ka hana ka ʻike - learn through doing, also means there is knowledge gained by doing the work. This Training takes you on the Path and shows you the work you need to do to become Pa'a and how to do it. Paʻa is having a strong and unshakeable foundation. If you are a Lomilomi Practitioner, these Teachings will make you an even better Practitioner. And if you want to study any of our other Hālau Practitoner Courses - youʻve gotta do this Training first.

Community Loves

"Absolute heartfelt gratitude for your time and guidance through the Path to Pa'a course 🙏 Powerful teachings. I've been working through them and integrating them and connecting more and more so thank you and thank you to the ancestors and kupuna. I did just wanted to reach out and thank you for the wonderful way you facilitated...." Liana, Australia

"I have been blessed to delve into various spiritual paths and initiations and still there was something missing. However, when I started the Pa' a course a change occurred in me almost immediately.,,this has captured my soul in a way that has not happened before. This is real and not some feel good temporary emotion..." Kam, USA

"So many styles of learning. Wonderful content..." Connall. Ireland


  • Kumu, Iʻm a Hālau Hawaiian Studies Club Member, do I get a discount?

    ʻae/yes, sure do. You will see your Discount Code in our Community Resources. If youʻre currently in a Path to Paʻa Course, you can just drop in. No fee for you.

  • Kumu, Iʻve completed Luna Hoʻoponopono Training. Can I come as a Refresher?

    Yes, you can join any of the classes in the Path to Paʻa for Free.

  • Kumu, Iʻm still studying my other Course, can I drop in too?

    If you are currently enrolled in a previous Path to Paʻa Course, yes you can drop in to this class. If youʻre currently enrolled in Luna Hoʻoponopono and still working toward completing it, you can drop into these classes anytime.

  • Kumu, Iʻve already completed Path to Paʻa can I drop in to some classes?

    ʻae/yes you can. Contact me for the class links