SoHAD Supporters : Social Enterprise

Everything we do at SoHAD is about community and the legacy we are leaving as a global community for the generations to come. We're a Social Enterprise. Each project supports another through the revenue it generates. It's Community in action...SoHAD Supporters are everyone who trains with us, buys our books, donates to a project or tells other people in their networks about SoHAD and what we're about. Global change happens at the individual level - we must all work on our own healing and growth to achieve it together. Imagine a world where we all lived this way - in fact, we don't have to imagine too hard because our Ancestors lived this way for generations. We're simply learning and living their Teachings, which is why they worked so hard to preserve them. 

We continue their work...

SoHAD Website

Online Schoolhouse

The SoHAD Schoolhouse is our online presence - where you are now. It is our main source of going to school with the Ancestors, fundraising for our Projects and how we communicate with our SoHAD Supporters. Technology helps make our Generations of Healing Knowledge and Wisdom accessible to everyone who needs it. It also enables us to maintain the integrity of information about our traditional healing methods and practices. In this way the Schoolhouse - whether you're learning online or face-to-face in a SoHAD Live Workshop - is a repository of truth... Stage of Development: Step 1: rolling out. Step 2: in development.

Retreat Education Centre

Place of Cultural Learning

The Retreat Education Centre - REC - is where we all go for hands-on learning. It's the hub for our Global Community and Local Community to come together, learn and build the REC as one. When we're there we'll study the Spiritual Teachings as well as hands-on learning about healing, planting, the moon, clouds, stars, wind, water and living within the environment so we can take those lessons home with us. The food we produce from the REC Garden is distributed to local families and sold to local businesses. The REC will be a self-supporting enterprise and it will also support other local community projects on our home island, Molokai... Stage of Development: Planned and Detailed.

Micro-business Support

Learning & Development Opportunities

This is one of the most diverse and exciting Projects on our radar. Learning and growth to help support the local business economy by setting up eco-sustainable micro-businesses, providing on the job training in a real business setting. It's a way of supporting young people to stay on island, upskilling people, diversifying skills and somewhere to start careers or bring career experience home. Some of the planned businesses bring the Elders together with Youth and Visitors for an in-situ learning experience. There's a link between this project and the REC. It gives people a way to stay on island rather than moving away to further education and career and fosters creativity and innovation... Stage of Development: In Planning

Community Partnerships

Supporting other Community Projects

When ʻohana - family and community - is a core cultural value, it's right that we will work with other local Community Groups and Socials to support the work already being done to preserve sacred sites, traditional knowledge and activities which maintain a productive, creative, intuitive, self-determining, rich and vibrant community. We're not about reinventing the wheel or putting ourselves above others - we're all about community love... Stage of Development: on the radar